For use in towing operation: The ErgoMove® 2000T

Recuperative system and emergency release

Recuperation of the battery during towing operation

The ErgoMove® 2000T version is also suitable for towing at up to 16 km/h. Another advantage is that the battery recharges during the towing operation by means of a recuperative system. Battery charging is reduced to a minimum with regular use and sufficient travel distance.

The electro-magnetic brake system must be released in towing operation in order to prevent damage to the electric drive casters. For this purpose, ErgoMove® 2000T has an emergency release for the brakes.

When installing the set, the brakes need to be connected with the emergency release.

  Cam (path = 12 mm)* 
  Bowden cables to the brakes*
  Set screws for Bowden cable cover, outer diameter 3 mm         
  Electric coupling switch

* The cam and the Bowden cables are not included in the scope of supply. The cam needs to be installed on the draw-bar in such a way that the emergency release is activated in the raised position.

Functioning of the emergency release

The draw-bar is lowered on the trolley while attaching it to a trailer. A cam attached to the trolley draw-bar moves the plunger of the emergency release. This causes the brakes to release mechanically. The control is activated in towing operation by means of the electric coupling switch.

Would you like to learn more about our ErgoMove® products or schedule a demonstration?
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